Saturday, January 27, 2007

Less Budget Busting Wines

Ketch sends along more suggestions that might be a better fit with your budget. Thanks, man, and keep warm. BRRRR. It's sure been cold up here.

My goal is like is to find great wines that don’t break the bank. I’ll send what I think are deals generally between $10-15 Can. Thus if you can find it should be a real deal for you US folks (about $10-13 USD).


Chateau De Gourgazaud 2004
The Languedoc region of France offers some really good value red wines. From the Minervois you can pick up a bottle of Chateau De Gourgazaud 2004 that will make a very tasty addition to red meat dishes. The wine is deep purple in colour with a nose of blackberries and spices along with a peppery, smoky note. It's medium-bodied and dry with good acidity. Let it stand for an hour or so in a decanter or jug before serving.

Black Opal Chardonnay 2005
Australian Chardonnay is one of those "hail fellow well met" wines, very much like the Aussie personality. What you see is what you get. If you're looking for a down-under Chardonnay that's lively and, full-flavoured at a very sensible price, try Black Opal Chardonnay 2005. The colour is medium straw. The bouquet is rich in buttery, pineapple aromas; it's medium-bodied with spicy, pineapple and lemon flavours. Try it with roast chicken or a slice of Port Salut cheese.

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